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Man makes selfie. What’s the big deal?

Do you want to learn a little more about the character of man you liked? Count the number of selfie in his profile at the social networks.There is nothing special in the the fact that a man takes pictures of himself and posts it to social networks. Another question is, at which point an innocent passion ceases to be it.

As shown by a new study, men who spread a large number of selfie, demonstrate not only themselves, but also a high level of narcissism. But the fact that these men were more prone to high self-esteem, only now received scientific confirmation. The study took 800 men between the ages of 18 and 40 years, who underwent three stages of testing: describe criteria for selecting photos to their profiles on social networks;they told how often they edit photos before placing them on the Web. The research results prove – especially our character unconsciously influence the behavior at the Internet. We all have a stake in the successful self-presentation, but how we do it, can tell a lot about ourselves.

Source: “Man makes selfie. What’s the big deal?” by wisdom_consultant in Dukascopy Forex Community – Dukascopy Community